Welcome to Fox News' Artificial Intelligence newsletter with the latest AI technology advancements.IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER: - Putin's AI doctrine seeks semi-automated military as Moscow could look to China for help, expert says - Country star Walker Hayes worries AI 'can outwrite me any day' - AI to play critical role in cybersecurity mitigation, response plan for upcoming Paris Olympics PUTIN'S ROBOTS: Russia increasingly looks toward artificial intelligence (AI) to address deficiencies in its battlefield capabilities and capacities that the invasion of Ukraine has exposed, according to experts. 'GOD MADE US CREATIVE': For country star Walker Hayes, artificial intelligence makes him very worried about the future. CYBERSECURITY GAMEPLAN: Next month, athletes from countries across the globe will descend on Paris for the highly anticipated 2024 Summer Olympics. As the competitors gear up for their chance to earn a highly coveted medal this year, those who have been tasked with overseeing the more than two-week-long event continue to prepare a defense against cybersecurity threats. 'PREMATURE': The House of Representatives will likely not take up legislation this year to establish a large-scale framework for the artificial intelligence (AI) industry. FOLLOW FOX NEWS ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Instagram YouTube Twitter LinkedIn SIGN UP FOR OUR OTHER NEWSLETTERS Fox News First Fox News Opinion Fox News Lifestyle Fox News Health DOWNLOAD OUR APPS Fox News Fox Business Fox Weather Fox Sports Tubi WATCH FOX NEWS ONLINE Fox News Go STREAM FOX NATION Fox Nation Stay up to date on the latest AI technology advancements and learn about the challenges and opportunities AI presents now and for the future with Fox News here. |
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